For support with paying your energy bills, help can be found here from Citizens Advice. If you are struggling with paying your rent, please contact our Incomes team on 020 8685 5777 (option 2) or


Adviceline (England): 0800 144 8848
Advicelink (Wales): 0800 702 2020

Additional Support:

Help for Households
Watch this video for consumer advice about your heating
Watch this video for information about UK gas boilers

Simple Tips (psst… you can find more here):
  • Draught-proof windows and doors and letter boxes to stop cold air entering
  • Draw curtains at dusk and open them during the day – this acts as a barrier and prevents heat loss
  • Open curtains during the day to take advantage of sunlight in the winter to keep your house warm
  • Turn off lights and use LED bulbs
  • Wash clothes at 30-40°C – higher temperatures cost more and reduce use if you can
  • Avoid using the tumble dryer – dry clothes outside where possible
  • Do not dry clothes directly on radiators – this stops the warm air flow around the room
  • Adjust your boiler settings – set the heating to come on 20 minutes before you get out of bed to warm the house
  • Turn the thermostat down by one degree
  • Shorter showers – keep your shower time to just 4 minutes and swap your bath for a shower
  • Avoid overfilling the kettle – just fill it with amount you need
  • Fill your dishwasher – make sure you run a full load and use the eco setting if you have one
  • Switch off standby – turn off electrical appliances at the plug – most can be turned off with upsetting their programming (check the instructions)